Wednesday, May 15, 2013

   The massive movement project

     Geocentric theory is a theory that said the the earth is in the middle of the planet,  then sun and all the other planets rotates around it. The name of the person who though of that theory was Telamen.
Copernicos is the guy the prove the heliocentric theory, the theory that  prove that the sun was in the middle of all the planets

Monday, March 18, 2013

Shaking our World

The theory of plate tectonic is a theory that is use to describe the large scale motions of Earth's lithosphere, on the concept of a continental drift. I agreed because it help us to understand the world which we live in.
   What is plate Tectonics?
Tectonics is another short way  for saying plate tectonics, plate tectonics is how the surface of the earth is constantly moving apart.

Friday, October 26, 2012

                                           CRYSTAL LAB

       In September we made a crystal lab about minerals.Using sugar water and fire with a spoon we created crystal.we had to put water on a glass plate and pace on plate for the water to boiled.And while the water was boiling we uses the spoon to put sugar int the water spoon by spoon. we couldn't just pore everything because it wouldn't turn out right the way it suppose,we had to put it in spoon by spoon then mix it until the sugar was gone.We had to do that until the water started getting thick and when the sugar didn't dissolved.Then we put the lab b the window and wait for the change to happen the it turn out to look like this.

Then we had to make observation on how the minerals looked,such as
Luster:uses Metallic and Nonmetallic Minerals.
Metallic:mean if the minerals is made up of metal.
Nonmetallic:mean if the minerals does not made of matal.
Color:how does the mineral look like if it as color or is it colorless.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

About me

  Science is my favorite subject because I wanna be a doctor and I think science is fun.
I like to dance and play the piano
Tigers scares me
Pizza is my favorite food
I will be a Doctor or a pediatrician when I grow up
I have a lot of sibling,I don't know how much are there because I don't know all of them
My favorite color is baby blue
My favorite thing to do is sing and be outdoor(help people)
Watch out for lions
I wish that I could read people's mind